Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Quick and Easy Cake

I just made this cake for a guy my husband works with.  He takes care of my dogs when we go out of town, so even thought I feel terrible today (I feel like poo, which is kinda like having the flu - but different) I felt obligated to get it finished.  So, although this wasn't my original design, I really like the way it turned out.

I just wanted to show you a cake that was really quick and easy, that you can totally do on your own and get a lot of ohhhh's and ahhhh's!  I made this cake using the technique that I showed you yesterday in this post.

Sorry about the bad quality - too tired to take more pictures!

Hope you like it and I would LOVE to see any cakes that you make!!


  1. Stopping by from NFFRiday. What great cakes. The Star Wars one is amazing. I tried to do a decorate a cake once last yr using fondant and it turned out ok. I did make all my fondant from scratch and it tasted ok. I hope to make another one sometime soon. If you have a min. stop by my blog and follower if you'd like. Have an awesome holiday weekend. Here's the link to my cake post. http://littledidiknowthat.blogspot.com/2009/06/birthday.html

  2. Love that cake! P.S following you from New Friend Friday! Hope you have a great weekend, please follow my blog too http://beadsandmorebylois.blogspot.com/ Thanks x Lois x

  3. love the cake!

    New follower from New Friend Friday- please follow me back at a


    Happy Friday!!

  4. Hi! Stopping by from New Friend Friday. I'm a new follower. Hope you stop by! Have a great weekend!

  5. Some one come tell me what New Friend Friday at my blog? :o) I would love to be involved. :o)
    treatsbykforsey.blogspot.com - Cakes
    itsstartingtorain.blogspot.com - Crafts & More


I LOVE hearing your sweet comments!!!