Here are the RULES!!!
I can't wait to get to know each other a little better and see what else we have in common besides our craftiness! Here's how it will work, each Tuesday I'll post a few questions. They can be anything from What's your favorite color to What's your favorite movie.
•You will then copy this week's questions and change the answers to your own.
•You will post them in a new post on your blog (you can back date this post so it doesn't show up as your newest post) and then come and link up that particular post (not the link to your main blog) here on our link party.
•Make sure to visit as many blogs as you can and comment! It will be a good way to get to know some fun and interesting things about your fellow crafters!
•Also add this cute little button to your post so that others can join in on the PARTY!!! (It is over on the left side bar).

Here are this weeks questions!
1. What is your favorite flavor?
2, What was or is your favorite subject in school?
3. What are some of your hobbies?
4. Do you prefer fruits or vegetables?
5. What color of eyes do you have?
Here are my answers!
1. My favorite flavor(s) would have to be Chocolate and then peanut butter and anything chocolate/peanut butter flavored - I'm a sucker for a peanut butter cup!
2. My favorite subject in school was anything Math related. Math makes sense to me! English Lit on the other hand...... HATED it!
3. Obviously I love to craft and cake. I also read a lot (funny given my above answer!). I feel like dieting should be listed as a hobby since it consumes so much of my time.
4. I guess I would prefer veggies. But, if I'm being honest here - I don't really like very many in either category! haha! Give me a starch any day... hmmm.. I think I just found the reason DIET is listed under hobby! haha!
5. I have blue eyes. Very very blue eyes. I constantly have people ask if I wear colored contacts. I had hoped that my daughter would inherit the blue eyes - alas, that did not happen, dirt brown hers are!
I can't wait to read everyone else's answers!!!